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सम्पूर्ण कक्षाहरु पुन : सुचारु भयको सम्बन्धमा

Major English BA First year 2072 question paper Tribhuvan University

Major English BA First year question paper
Tribhuvan University

Exam. 2072
Time: 3hrs. Full Marks:- 100
Attempt ALL the questions.
Section "A"
1. Answer any three of the following questions:
  1. What do you mean by capitalist ideology? How does Marxism critique it?
  2. How is Gender studies similar to and different from feminism?
  3. What does Lacan mean when he says that metaphor and metonymy area akin to unconscious processes-condensation and displacement?
  4. How would you define Reader-response criticism? How is psychological Reader-response criticism different from Social Reader-response criticism?
2.Answer any TWO questions based on your reading of The Great Gatsby
  1. Discuss and analyze the romance between Gatsby and Daisy from psychoanalytical perspective.
  2. How do you interpret Fitzgerald's discomfort with the 'New Woman in the Characterization of main female character of The Great Gatsby-Daisy, Myrtle and Jordan?
  3. Discuss Nick Carraway's role in The Great Gatsby from structural narratological perspective.
3. Interpret the following poem using the main theoretical concepts from ONE of the given theories:
Feminism, Psychoanalysis, Structuralism and New Criticism  Song: 'Ask Me No More'
Thomas Carew

Ask me no more, where Jove bestows,
When June is past, the fading rose:
For in your Beauties orient deep
eep These flowers, as in their causes, sleep.

Ask me no more, whither do stray
The golden atoms of the day:
For in pure love heaven did prepare
Those powders to enrich your hair.

Ask me no more, whither doth haste
The Nightingale, when May is past:
For in your sweet dividing throat
She winters, and keeps warm her note.

Ask me no more, where those stars light,
That downwards fall in dead of night:
For in your eyes they sit, and there
Fixed, become as in their sphere.

Ask me no more, if east or west
The phoenix builds her spicy nest
For onto you at last she files,
And in your Fragrant bosom dies.

Section "B"
4.In "The Origin of Civil Society" Jean Jacques Rousseau makes the use of various rhetorical devices such as analogy, analysis, definition of terms, topic of testimony and rhetorical questions to put forward the argument effectively and convincingly. Substantiate the statement with examples from the text.
How does Niccolo Machiavelli's use of aphorism, paradox, reference to historical precedent and comparison or discussion of the opposite is "The Qualities of the Prince" help him develop his argumen convincingly? Discuss the relevance of each of the rhetorical device deployed in the text.
5.  What does Scorates in Plato's "The Role of Women in Ideal Society mean by natural talent' and 'natural aptitudes'? Does he consider the differences between men and women innate or socially constructed?
Discuss Virginia Woolfs essay "How should One Read a Book?" as an inductive argument for the reader's pleasure as it helps the reader grasp realities and from judgments.
6.What, according to Francis Bacon, are four types of idols which beses men's minds? Explain how inductive reasoning can be helpful to reduce the threat of scientific objectivity.
Ruth Benedict calls James Frazer's approach to anthropology 'analytic'; her own approach to anthropology could be described as 'holistic. How would you define each approach? Do you agree with Benedict that holistic approach is better suited to the study of culture Why or why not?


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