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सम्पूर्ण कक्षाहरु पुन : सुचारु भयको सम्बन्धमा

Major english ba first year 2068 tu question paper

Major English I paaper (English . 311)
Exam. 2068
Time: 3hrs. Full Marks:- 100
Attempt ALL the questions.
Section "A"
1.Answer any three of the following questions:
  1. Interpret Feminism questioning the entire tradition knowledge and culture as male construction 'fabrication exploit and misrepresent women.
  2. Discuss the concept of 'base and superstructure and position literature from Marxist paradigm.
  3. Discuss relationship between 'Semiotics and Literature’
  4. Deconstruct our world and human identity.
2. Answer any TWO: [2x10=20
How does Daisy internalise the patriarchal values? Is she a unconscious victim of male ideology? Explain.
Interpret the activities and expression of Jordan Baker from the perspective of subjective and psychological reader response theory.
The character Great Gatsby acts very consciously; however, a of his activities are driven by the unconscious repository. Explain with suitable examples from the text.
3. Interpret the following text using main parameters from one of the following literary theories:
Psychoanalysis, New criticism and Deconstructive criticism.
There is a Girl Inside
(Lucile Clifton there is a girl inside
she is randy as a wolf
she will not walk away
and leave these bones
to an old woman.

She is a green tree
in a forest of kindling.
SO She is a green girl
in a used poet.

She has waited
patient as a nun
for the second coming
when she can break through grey hairs
into blossom

And her lovers will harvest
honey and thyme
and the woods will be wild
with the damn wonder of it.
Section "B"
4. Machiavelli uses primarily three rhetorical strategies: alternative argument, discussion of opposite and the use of aphorism how do these strategies help Machiavelli to establish his statement and point of argument? Explain.
Susanne K. Langer in "Expressiveness" uses analysis, taking the argument point by point. What is analysis? Do you think analysis is an appropriate rhetorical strategy for philosophical essay?
5.  According to Bacon, what are "idols" or threats to objectives in science? Give your ideas about whether these "idols can be overcome. ("Aphorisms concerning the Interpretations of Nature and the Kingdom of Man")
What does Socrates mean by "natural talent" and "natural aptitudes"? Is he implying that the differences are innate or socially constructed? Explain.
("The Role of Women in Ideal Society")
6.  Rousseau contrasts natural liberty with civil liberty. Define each kind of liberty using example from the text. ("The Origin of Civil Society")
Benedict calls Frazer's approach to anthropology "analytic", her own as "holistic". How would you define each approach? Do you agree with Benedict that the holistic approach is better suited to the study of culture? Explain. ("The Human Scapegoat in Ancient Greece")


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