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Showing posts from January, 2019

सम्पूर्ण कक्षाहरु पुन : सुचारु भयको सम्बन्धमा

Major Englis Ba first Year question Tu

Major English BA first year Exam. 2070 Time: 3hrs.  Full Marks:- 100 Attempt ALL the questions. Section "A" 1. Answer any three of the following questions: a. Discuss the relationship between gender studies and feminism. b. How does Marxism define human behaviour, the commodity and the family? Explain. c. Define and discuss structural linguistics and structural anthropology. d.Compare and contrast the Transactional Reader Response Theory and Subjective Reader Response Theory. 2"Answer any TWO a. Discuss the relationship between Tom Buchanan and Myrtle as the relationship between two classes: bourgeois and proletariat. b. Read the activities of the character Great Gatsby from psychoanalytic perspective. c. Discuss activities and expressions of Daisy from the 3.perspective of New Criticism Interpret the following poem using one of the theories: Marxism, Structuralism, Deconstruction Theory. [16] The Sick Rose (William Blake) O Rose thou art sick The invisible worm That...

Major English 2069 tu question paper

Tribhuvan University Major English Question Paper Exam. 2069 Time: 3hrs. Full Marks:- 100 Attempt ALL the questions. Section "A" 1.Answer any three of the following questions: Define French and Multicultural Feminism, and discuss the relationship between them. What do you mean by ideology? How does it affect literature? Define Structuralism and show its relevance in literary interpretation. Show the difference between Psychological and Social Reader Response Theory 2.Answer any TWO questions based on your reading of The Great Gatsby Discuss the role played by Nick Carraway using Reader Response Theory. Interpret Gatsby's love to Daisy from the Marxist perspective of commodification of relationship. Discuss the role of Tom Buchanan from the structuralist perspective. 3. Interpret the following poem using main ideas from one of the given theories: Feminism, Structuralism and Reader Response Theory. [16 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal (William Wordsworth ) A Slumber did my sp...

Major english ba first year 2068 tu question paper

Major English I paaper (English . 311) Exam. 2068 Time: 3hrs. Full Marks:- 100 Attempt ALL the questions. Section "A" 1.Answer any three of the following questions: Interpret Feminism questioning the entire tradition knowledge and culture as male construction 'fabrication exploit and misrepresent women. Discuss the concept of 'base and superstructure and position literature from Marxist paradigm. Discuss relationship between 'Semiotics and Literature’ Deconstruct our world and human identity. 2. Answer any TWO: [2x10=20 How does Daisy internalise the patriarchal values? Is she a unconscious victim of male ideology? Explain. Interpret the activities and expression of Jordan Baker from the perspective of subjective and psychological reader response theory. The character Great Gatsby acts very consciously; however, a of his activities are driven by the unconscious repository. Explain with suitable examples from the text. 3. Interpret the following text u...

major english ba first year questionpaper 2067 tu

Major English I paper Exam. 2067 · Full Marks: Time: 3 hrs. Attempt ALL the questiocs. Section "A" 1. Explain any three from Critical Theory Today. La Canian psycho analysis Fundamental premises of Marxism Deconstructing language and literature Structure of narrative (narratology) 2. Read Great Gatsby from the perspective of literary theories. Answer any TWO: [2x10=20] a. Interpret the life of Tom Buchanan from the Marxist concept of Commodification. b. Discuss the idea of love in Great Gatsby from psycho analytical perspective. C.  Go How is readers' positive and negative impression aroused in Great Gatsby ? 3. Interpret the following poem using one of the literary theories: ] Feminism, New Criticism, Deconstruction, Marxism. The Sick Rose (William Blake) O Rose, thou art sick The invisible worm That flies in the night In the howling storm Has found out thy bed Of crimson joy And his dark secret love Does thy life Destroy Section "B" 4. Socrates makes a...

Major English I Paper (Eng. 311) Exam. 2066 , BA first year TU

Major English I Paper (Eng. 311) Exam. 2066 Time: 3 hrs.    Full Marks : 100 Attempt ALL the questions. Section "A" Explain any three from Critical Theory Today. New Criticism: The text, itself, literary Language and Organic Unity. Psychoanalysis as the theory of unconscious and desire. Reader response theory. Deconstruction. 2. Read Great Gatsby from the perspective of Literary Theory. Answer any TWO: Discuss Nick Carraway's role from structuralist perspective. Analyse the life of Jordan Baker, and Daisy from psychoanalytical theory. Gap and fissures in the life of Gatsby, (deconstructive reading) 3.Interpret the following text using one of given literary theories: Feminism, structuralism, reader response theory, Marxism. A Slumber did My Spirit Seal (W. Wordsworth) A slumber did my spirit seal I had no human ears She seemed a thing that could not feel The touch of earthly years No motion has she now, no force; She neither hears nor sees; Rolled a round in ear...

Important notice

सुचना सुचना !!  सम्पूर्ण विद्यार्थीहरु लाई यही मिती २०७५ पौष ३० गतेबाट माघ ५ गतेत्सम्म सम्पूर्ण कक्षा तथा सेवा सुबिधाहरु बन्द हुन गैरहेको जानकारी गराउछु । संपर्कका लागि तपाईंहरुले न्युक्लियस एकेडेमिको संपर्क नम्बरमा संपर्क गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ ।

Ba first year cumpulsary nepali question paper 2075 , Tu (Tribhuban university question paper )

Tu question paper Cumpulsary Nepali 2075 Exam 2075 समय : ३ घण्टा पूर्णाङ्क : १०० १. तल दिएको अनुच्छेदमा प्रयुक्त रेखाङ्कत पदहरू शुद्ध गरी लेख्नुहोस् : सन्सारको सुख अस्थाई पनि छ र अल्प पनि छ । यस सन्दर्भमा एकअर्कालाई दु:खी बनायेर नारी वा पुरुस को सुखी रहन सक्तैनन् । सृष्टीमा ती प्रतीदीन्दी होइनन्, पुरकहन । दुवै थरीको समानुपातिक विकासले तिनको व्यक्तित्व लाई पूर्णतातर्फ अग्रसर गराउछ । अथवा तलको अनुच्छेदमा रेखाकित पदहरूको अक्षर सङ्ख्या छुट्याउनुहोस् । इबोला सक्रमण भइसकेपछि निको पार्ने औषधी अहिलेसम्म निस्कन सकेको छैन तर यसको सङ्क्रमण भएपछि लाक्षणिक उपचार हुन्छ । इबोला सङ्कण नियन्त्रणका लागि विभिन्न खोप हरू लगाउने गरिएको भए पनि पूर्ण रूपमा नियन्त्रण हुन नसकेको विश्व स्वास्थ्य सङ्गठनको ठहर छ । २. कुनै दुई प्रश्नको उत्तर दिनुहोस् : क) (अ) तलको अनुच्छेदका रेखाकत शब्दहरूको शब्द स्रोत छुट्याउनुहोस्ः निजी उत्पादन-प्रक्रियामा नाफाको भावना सर्वाधिक महत्वको विषय बन्दछ । जसरी भए पनि नाफा कमाउने उद्देश्यले उधमीहरू लागिपर्ने हुँदा अनावश्यक गठबन्धन गरी मूल्य बढाउने, सामानको गुणस्तर कम...